Anand Pratap Singh Sengar
Electrical engineering
Hometown: New Delhi, Delhi, India
Graduation date: Spring 2021
MORE | Fall 2020
Intelligent Surfaces for 5G and Beyond Wireless Communications
In the modern era of wireless communication, beam steering is the pillar for efficient communication in 5G applications. Multibit Reflectarray antenna achieves reconfigurability by using RF switches (PIN diodes) and thus modulating the impinging electromagnetic waves to the desired direction of user with higher aperture efficiency. At present two-bit unit cell design is in progress at 24-30 GHz with the integration of the PIN diodes, after which biasing line structure to feed the PIN diodes will be added. Building this prototype at mmWave for 5G applications will enable faster data transfer and more bandwidth.
Mentor: Georgios Trichopoulos
Featured project | Fall 2020
What made you want to get involved in MORE?
Research has always been one thing that intrigued me and is the key reason that I got involved in this program. It offers an excellent opportunity for a budding engineer to implement ideas and turn these ideas into reality. The world of radiofrequency and electromagnetics has fascinated me and is something I really wanted to focus on since my early undergraduate studies. And now in the master’s program, I got an opportunity to work hands-on through the MORE program.
How will your engineering research project impact the world?
My research project aims to develop efficient reflective surfaces that can be controlled electronically for wireless communication applications. With the remarkable growing need of the wireless industry, the demand for developing future wireless networks for 5G and beyond is paving the way. These wireless networks are predicted to connect billions of wireless devices via dense deployments of multi-antenna systems. It has heightened the motivation for making the antennas more efficient with minimal losses. This reconfigurable reflectarray can be a viable solution.
How do you see this experience helping with your career goals?
This experience has helped me in developing my technical skills in the field of electromagnetics, antennas and wireless communication. Moreover, it has strengthened my work ethic and made me carry an extra sense of responsibility. This learning experience has also taught me that failure is a part of learning and we should not be afraid of failing. For the long run, these things will be one of the key factors for the growth of my career.
How has your mentor helped you be successful?
My mentor has always been supportive throughout my research. He has been exceptional in giving valuable feedback and also to help me whenever I needed when I got struck. His feedback has always improved my way of approaching the problem.
Why should other students get involved in MORE?
It is a great opportunity to make your ideas into reality. Here, you get a chance to work on your ideas and also get an opportunity to show the world about the amazing work that you are doing and how such a small step can be the next big thing. It is a way to start small and then lead the way.