Priscilla Han

Biomedical engineering

Hometown: Tucson, Arizona, United States

Graduation date: Spring 2021

Health icon, disabled. A red heart with a cardiac rhythm running through it.

FURI | Spring 2021

Statistical Modeling of Drug Release from Spherical Surface-Degrading Particle Batch

Drug-eluting microparticles have been identified as a method of drug delivery capable of delivering controlled local treatment over time. To address the need of adhering to strict drug delivery standards, this project focuses on creating a MathCAD file capable of calculating and illustrating the effects of a particle batch’s mean and standard deviation on drug delivery. A 2n factorial experiment in JMP14 is used to determine if there is significant interaction between the mean, standard deviation, and file outputs, including the slope, intercept, and time taken for 60% release of total batch drug.


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Additional projects from this student

Creating a computational file that identifies acceptable ranges for mean and standard deviation can streamline drug delivery approval processes.


  • FURI
  • Fall 2020