Zachery Hosea Shropshire

Biomedical engineering

Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Graduation date: Spring 2022

Health icon, disabled. A red heart with a cardiac rhythm running through it.

FURI | Spring 2020

A Self-Fluctuating Prosthetic AirActuator Liner With A Soft Memory Foam Design for Lower Limb Amputees to Improve Comfort, Stability, and Fluctuation in Prosthetic Sockets

This research can help amputees with constant fluctuation of volume inside the sockets, rather from amputation, prolonged walking, or exercising. The idea behind this device with an emphasis on comfort and stability can possibly change the world of prosthetics to help amputees with discomfort, pain and fluctuation after amputation, transitioning amputees into a new socket hoping to reduce rejection rates of lower limb prosthetics. Fluctuation can be caused by weight loss, heat, exercising, sweating and or shrinking of the residual limb. These fluctuations can cause amputees detrimental harm to the skin. Giving amputees their lives back with comfort, stability and quality of life

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Additional projects from this student

Studying the volume fluctuation and pressure in a prosthetic socket could provide better quality of life for amputees.

Mentor: ,

  • FURI
  • Fall 2019

Developing a new device for prosthetic stump sockets and fillers will improve lower limb prosthetics by preventing discomfort and infection from fluctuations.


  • KEEN
  • Spring 2019