Leo Lin
Mechanical engineering
Hometown: Chandler, Arizona
Graduation date: Spring 2019

FURI | Spring 2018
The Effects of Shear Modulus on Fouling Rates
Fouling is the deposition of any undesired material on heat transfer surfaces. Annually, fouling in heat exchanges causes an industrial country to lose approximately 0.25% of their gross domestic product (GDP). The objective of this research is to determine whether such fouling could be reduced through softening the heat exchanger surfaces. The relationship between the shear modulus of a Polydimethylsiloxane, a common coating and sealing material, and the rate of buildup of CaSO4, a common foulant, was experimentally determined. Future research will focus on how much force is required to remove scales from a surface based on its shear modulus.
Mentor: Konrad Rykaczewski