Shanika Davis

Electrical engineering

Hometown: Seattle, Washington, United States

Graduation date: Fall 2021

Energy icon, disabled. An orange lightning bolt.

FURI | Fall 2020

Standard Technique Development for Rad Hard Electronics

With the increase in commercial space travel and companies attempting to go further into space, engineers are looking for ways to make electronics more resistant to ionizing radiation through radiation (rad) hardening. Current methods are mostly used by government contractors or niche design groups. This research seeks to develop open-source design procedures for creating robust electronics that support the growing space and electronic instrumentation markets. The researcher will develop a test for prototype structures, test subsystem circuits under normal and irradiated conditions, and characterize test data to determine the robustness of circuits under test.


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Additional projects from this student

Creating a repeatable, open-source radiation hardening method allows more companies to create radiation robust electronics.


  • FURI
  • Spring 2020