FURI | Summer 2020
Creation of AD-Relevant Isogenic Lines with CasMasTREE

Since 1901, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) claims at least 5.5 million individuals each year, making it the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Due to the pandemic, research has been limited to examining papers with methods that use a genome editing tool such as the clustered regularly inter spaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR/cas9). These methods introduce double-stranded breaks in DNA at targeted sites by utilizing archaeal and bacterial Cas9 nucleases. These breaks can be used to remove, replace, or add pieces of DNA. While not the first genome editor, CRISPR-Cas9 is efficient and cost-effective because cutting is guided by a strand of RNA rather than a protein. This allows for the possible creations of genomic edits to the DNA sequence in order to generate induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines to study genes relating to neurodegenerative diseases.
Student researcher

Brycelyn Whitman
Biomedical engineering
Hometown: Tempe, Arizona, United States
Graduation date: Spring 2022