Mariana Bertoni
Professor, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
Mariana Bertoni joined Arizona State University as an assistant professor in 2012. Prior to this, she held senior scientist positions at two emerging start-up firms in the photovoltaic industry and a visiting scientist appointment at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2010-2012). Her previous postgraduate experience includes a postdoctoral appointment at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2008-2010), a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship at Creavis Technologies & Innovation in Germany (2007-2008) and a visiting researcher appointment at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. She has published more than 35 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and presented more than 30 papers at scientific meetings. She serves in the Center for Nanoscale Materials proposal evaluation board at Argonne National Laboratory and is active in various committees and chairing positions at the IEEE photovoltaic specialists conferences. She heads the DEfECT Lab at ASU, which is working to establish an efficient platform of energy technologies based on earth abundant and environmentally benign materials with the potential of achieving terawatt-level deployment.