Karl Sieradzki
Professor, School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Karl Sieradzki is a professor of materials science and engineering in the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy at Arizona State University.
The Sieradzki research group examines fundamental issues in electrochemical surface science and fracture of solids. These topics are connected by their long standing interest in the phenomenon of stress-corrosion cracking. The stress corrosion problem is very complex and involves mechanics issues related to the ductile/brittle behavior of solids as well as dynamic fracture. Electrochemical aspects of the stress-corrosion problem involve dealloying and the resultant evolution of bi-continuous nanoporous morphologies and the mechanical properties of these structures.
Sieradzki has taught ASU undergraduate courses: Thermodynamics of Solids, Kinetic Processes in Materials and Mechanical Behavior of Materials. His graduate teaching spans topics such as the kinetics of materials, physics of fracture, materials electrochemistry and corrosion, thermodynamics and mechanics of thin films.